President Diaz-Canel Congratulates Cuban Educators

President Diaz-Canel Congratulates Cuban Educators

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President Miguel Diaz-Canel on Saturday congratulated the Cuban teachers on the occasion of Educator’s Day.

‘This is Educator’s Day in Cuba, the day that should be every day, for those who dedicate to us, more than their hours, the meaning of their lives,’ the president posted on his Twitter account, on which he also shared images of his visits to schools.

Another tweet from the head of State says, ‘In the embrace, smile, sweetness, warm eyes and also the rigor and decency of each Cuban educator, the future of the country is solidified and announced. Congratulations Cuban teachers.’

Diaz-Canel also recalled some thoughts by Cuban National Hero Jose Marti on educators.

‘Marti wanted ‘live and useful teachers who can teach the composition, riches and functions of the land, the ways to make it produce and to live with dignity on it, and the past and present nobilities that maintain the people,» he posted on Twitter.

Cuban Educator’s Day is marked every December 22 to commemorate the date in 1961 when the Literacy Campaign was successfully completed and Cuba was proclaimed a Territory Free of Illiteracy. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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