Category Archives: Ingles

Questions and Answers (Part III and Final Part: Self-Employed Workers, SEW): Embraced to the Gazette

Questions and Answers (Part III and Final Part: Self-Employed Workers, SEW): Embraced to the Gazette

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Recently, six decree-laws, two decrees and several resolutions have been approved by the bodies most involved in the attention to non-state economic actors, responding to the agreement to update the legislation after two years of the previous regulations in 2021. In this issue, we publish some questions related to self-employed workers (SEW) Continuar leyendo

Questions and Answers (Part II Non-Agricultural Cooperatives, NAC): Embraced to the Gazette

Questions and Answers (Part II Non-Agricultural Cooperatives, NAC): Embraced to the Gazette

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Recently, six decree-laws, two decrees and several resolutions of the institutions most involved in the attention to non-state economic actors were approved, which respond to the agreement to update the legislation after two years of the previous regulations in 2021. Trabajadores continues to publish some questions related to non-agricultural cooperatives; in the next edition we will address the issue of self-employed workers Continuar leyendo

One Voice, Two Voices, Millions of Voices

One Voice, Two Voices, Millions of Voices

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When a worker stood up at the municipal conference to demand the payment of the wage arrears in his enterprise, he not only fulfilled the mandate he had received from his collective as a trade union leader, but also showed how much power the 22nd Congress of the Workers’ Central Union of Cuba can have to channel and resolve real problems, without having to reach the final sessions in April 2025 Continuar leyendo

Questions and Answers (Part I MSMEs): Embraced to the Gazette

Questions and Answers (Part I MSMEs): Embraced to the Gazette

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Recently, six decree-laws, two decrees and several resolutions have been approved by the institutions most involved in the attention to non-state economic players, responding to the agreement to update the legislation after two years of the previous regulations in 2021. Trabajadores addresses some issues related to MSMEs. In future issues, we will deal with non-agricultural cooperatives and self-employed workers Continuar leyendo

Verbose Arguments that There is No Blockage

Verbose Arguments that There is No Blockage

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Among those who adopt the pose of youtubers and influencers, there are minor characters who, when cornered by the arguments of the attacked, display the verbiage of impotence, which they master very well, or in other words, they are dominated by that impotence that leads them to talk incessantly Continuar leyendo

Statement of Solidarity of the CTC with the People and Workers Movement of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Statement of Solidarity of the CTC with the People and Workers Movement of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

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The Cuban Workers’ Central Union (CTC, in Spanish), and its National Unions express their firm solidarity with the brotherly Venezuelan people and, especially, with the Central Bolivariana Socialista de Trabajadores (CBST), in the face of the media manipulation campaigns that seek to promote internal destabilization and violence in the country Continuar leyendo

Singing a Different Tune

Singing a Different Tune

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I do not know all the ways in which the various economic agents try to cover up the misdeeds, even criminal ones, that they are committing today because of the inflationary and stifling sea in which the national economy is evolving; nor do I know the exact amount of underreporting, let us say, at the national level, but I do know that the government is losing millions of pesos… as well as those of us who have access to these units Continuar leyendo

© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
Territorial y General Suárez. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana, Cuba. CP: 10698
Fax: 053 (7) 555927 E-mail: