The heart of Cuba in Sochi

The heart of Cuba in Sochi

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When 250 delegates from Cuba depart today to attend the 19th World Festival of Youth in Sochi, from José Martí International Airport, millions of Cubans will be with them, along with Martí, Mella, Villena, José Antonio, Che, Fidel…

The persistent rain of the last few days has not dampened the spirits of those preparing for the trip with activities at the Medical Sciences Preparatory School in Casablanca, including book presentations, discussion, and workshops.

Maidolis Ojeda, from the province of Matanzas, commented, «It is a source of pride to represent all our country’s youth. We will go to Russia to defend our Revolution and denounce imperialism.»

Expectations are high among these young Cuban men and women attending the 19th Festival to defend Cuba’s reality. They are scheduled to present in 20 different workshops, cultural events, expositions, and panel discussions devoted to Fidel and Che. Planned meetings with delegations from Russia, Vietnam, and Venezuela will be of special interest.

The Cuban people will be following the news about this group, including the best of the country’s youth from all sectors of society, in Sochi. (Taken from


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Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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