Chinese-Cuban Sugarcane Harvester Works Successfully

Chinese-Cuban Sugarcane Harvester Works Successfully

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Eight CCA5 sugarcane harvesters, a model designed by specialists from China and Cuba, have reportedly successfully completed three years of work following this year sugar harvest.


AZCUBA Sugar Group Vice president, Noel Casaña, also told Prensa Latina that other eight machines of that model made in China will be working in the coming campaign.

Zoomilion Heavy Machinery Co. LTD, a Chinese manufacturer of harvesters, and other equipment, are represented during the trade fair held at Pabexpo fairgrounds, as part of the 14th International Congress on Sugar and Byproducts, Diversificacion 2017.

Companies from 11 countries are exhibiting their products and services at the exhibition center where technical keynote speeches are also given.

Participants come from Sweden, China, Panama, Australia, Mexico, Spain, France, India, Brazil, United Kingdom and Israel.

Brazil, with 16 commercial firms, is the most represented country of that group, followed by France and Sweden, with five each, and China and India, both with three companies.

There will be 48 stands at the trade fair, 35 of which will belong to foreign companies, while the remaining 13 will be of Cuban firms. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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