Cuban government sends condolences following attack in France

Cuban government sends condolences following attack in France

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José Ramón Machado Ventura, second secretary of the Party Central Committee and a vice president of the Councils of State and Ministers, yesterday July 18, visited the French embassy in Havana to sign the condolences book opened there in the wake of an attack which occurred in the city of Nice, this past July 14, during a celebration of Bastille Day, killing 84 persons and injuring more than 200.

Photo: Yaciel Peña de la Peña
Photo: Yaciel Peña de la Peña

Machado Ventura, accompanied by Deputy Foreign Minister Rogelio Sierra, wrote that he wished to express Cuba’s solidarity with the people of France, and in particular with families of the victims.

At times like these, he commented to the press, we must express our sentiments, and this I did in honor of the ties of brotherhood friendship that unite us with the French people.

Speaking with the country’s ambassador in Havana, Jean-Marie Bruno, he emphasized the importance of fighting terrorism in all its forms, wherever it is manifested.

Jean-Marie Bruno recalled that, sadly, this is not the first terrorist attack in his country, and that Cuba has always conveyed its solidarity, noting that having friends here is encouraging.

Thus far, a number of ambassadors from other countries have signed the book of condolences here as well. (Taken from


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