A Bit of my Life

A Bit of my Life

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_ABT aida rosa 04Aida Rosa Claro Sanchez’ birth registration is on September 25th, 1935, but she was really born on the 28th. Her childhood was in La Caridad Farm in the former province of Las Villas.

She shows me with proud a photo where Commander Camilo Cienfuegos is with a group of young women where she was when she was 22. It was in San Antonio de Las Vueltas where the family moved and had the opportunity to meet Camilio Cienfuegos in his visit to this locality on February 1959 and all the people followed him.

She was a member of the clandestine struggle and when the revolution triumphed she joined the Revolutionary National Police until 1973. “My mother was sick and I had to take care of her. In 1988 I started working in Havana at the automobile workshop Osvaldo Sanchez until 1989 that I changed job to Santa Amalia locality in Arroyo Naranjo municipality station.

“Drivers and mechanics respect and listen to me. I work with the training of young people. I am member of the Cuban Communist Party and I have been union leader for years. I am also member of the National Association of Innovation and Rationalization.

This woman has been granted the condition of National Vanguard for 17 years in the Transportation and Ports Union. She has received multiple recognitions and medals like the Order Lazaro  Peña third grade granted by the Council of State.

During the Special Period in 1993, she started working in a field next to the station. A partner and she worked there. I was given in usufruct a piece of land and I have become a member of the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) for 15 years. When I finish working at the station I go to my farm. I harvest fruits, roots and many medicine plants. Whenever there is one of my coworkers sick, I get ready a box of fruits and roots. I have freely delivered part of my harvest to motherly homes in Vibora Park. In 2008 she was awarded National Vanguard of ANAP.

We ask her where she gets such energy and says she never cares about time. She likes working and she will never retire.

She loves flowers, and sowed butterfly flowers at the foot of the monument to Celia Sanchez at Lenin Park.

And this woman who is also a flower for her coworkers in Santa Amalia Metro-bus does not allow years take away her natural charm granted by life.


Acerca del autor

Graduada en Licenciatura en Periodismo en la Facultad de Filología, en la Universidad de La Habana en 1984. Edita la separata EconoMía y aborda además temas relacionados con la sociedad. Ha realizado Diplomados y Postgrados en el Instituto Internacional de Periodismo José Martí. En su blog Nieves.cu trata con regularidad asuntos vinculados a la familia y el medio ambiente.


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