Investment Process, Demands to be Fulfilled

Investment Process, Demands to be Fulfilled

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Construction workers in Guantanamo have fairly complaint in front of the difficult situation with the lack of materials in the territory.

This problem directly affects the investment process of the province hat brings low productivity, bad exploitation of the working hours because there is no sand in the workplaces, so the wages of the builders is affected.

The current situation of the industry of materials in Guantanamo is so complicated that it compromises the fulfillment of the plans to help more than 18,000 families that had suffered meteorological phenomena.

This was discussed in the Provincial conference of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) in Guantanamo presided over by Salvador Valdes Mesa, member of he Political Bureau and Deputy president of the Council of State and Ulises Guilarte De Nacimiento, president of the organizing comisión of the XX congreso of the CTC who stressed the need of “no failure to comply the investment process that immobilizes millions in pesos and materials every year.”

“It is necessary to know how to understand the economy and debate these topics with the workers, because the real fact is that there is wage deficit, but the salary does not come from the air, and if we are going to increase it, we have to share it among all and this can be done when there is better efficiency”, Guilarte De Nacimiento said.

“The Union should always question why, the productive processes are not fulfilled. They shouldn’t be satisfied, and it has the obligation to give alternatives. This is part of the union’s responsibility. The union movement is also inside the transformations taking place in the Cuban economic model.”

In the conference, the outstanding innovator from Baracoa, Jose Enrique Ortiz reflected on the need to “renew the legislations of the innovators in science and technology, which dates from the 1980s, and they have not the same interests at present when the economic reality is different.”

In the conference they also dealt with other topics like the activities of the union, the incorporation of non-state workers to the organization, training of union leaders, the contribution of the coffee harvest in Guantanamo, and the job carried out by the province in the sugar harvest.

Salvador Valdes Mesa called the sugar workers of the territory “to make a good job since the beginning and get rid of the failure to comply stigma”.


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