May Day: another resounding demonstration of our unity

May Day: another resounding demonstration of our unity

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The Federation of Cuban Workers (CTC) and all national trade unions convoke our entire people to a massive march to celebrate International Workers day, May 1, under the banner of Unity, Commitment, and Victory.

Photo: Endrys Correa Vaillant
Photo: Endrys Correa Vaillant

We will celebrate May Day immersed in the battle for greater economic efficiency that today constitutes our fundamental task, conscious that the contribution of workers is decisive, and that this goal is key to advancing the country’s strategic development programs, to meeting the people’s needs, and improving working conditions and wages.

This celebration of the world proletariat has special meaning for us this year, following the overwhelming Yes vote for our new Constitution, a clear reaffirmation of the decision made by Cuban men and women to preserve ad perfect our socialism. We are especially motivated ,as well, by the proximity of the CTC’s XXI Congress, where important agreements will be reached to successfully confront the challenges facing workers and trade unions across the country. (Taken from


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Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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