Cuba reaffirms it will not renounce to Fidel’s ideals and legacy

Cuba reaffirms it will not renounce to Fidel’s ideals and legacy

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

With the reaffirmation that Cuba will never renounce the principles and ideals for which Fidel Castro fought, the Military Parade and the March of the Fighting People took place in the José Martí Revolution Square on the occasion of 60th anniversary of the heroic uprising in Santiago de Cuba and the landing of the Granma expeditionaries, Day of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR).

Cuban president Raul Castro presided over the mass rally, in honor of the Commander-in-Chief of the Cuban Revolution and the youth, along the members of the Cuban Communist party Politburo, members of the Councils of State and Ministers, and representatives of the Union of Young Communists, mass organizations and the FAR and the Ministry of Interior.

After a 21-gun salute and the notes of the National Anthem, Army Corps General Leopoldo Cintra Frías, minister of the FAR, as a revising officer received the part from the chief of the troops, Army Corps General Ramon Espinosa Martín, deputy minister of the FAR, both members of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee.

Jennifer Bello Martinez, member of the State Council and national president of the Federation of University Students (FEU), in the central words recalled that this appointment with the Motherland takes place a few hours after having arrived at the 58th anniversary of the victory of the January First 1959, and reaffirmed the commitment of each Cuban to preserve the Revolution.

She emphasized the mass rally is celebrated in honor of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro and the youth, heiress of the best traditions and the continuity of the people’s struggle, also expressing the unity of the people around their Party, Revolution, Raul and consistent with the principles of his historic leader.

The young leader reaffirmed that Cuba will not stop claiming the lifting of the criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on the island by the United States, nor will it cease to demand the return of the territory occupied illegally by a military base in Guantánamo, nor to demand the end of subversive and interventionist programs. (Taken from Cuban News Agency)


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