Tag Archives: strike

A Radio Station: Voice of the Revolution

A Radio Station: Voice of the Revolution

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

Noel Perez Batista, National Award of the Cuban Radio treasures his memories as the most valuable of the trophies life has given him; and among them there are the last hours of the most memorable events of his 82 years old: the triumph of the Cuban Revolution. Continuar leyendo

© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
Territorial y General Suárez. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana, Cuba. CP: 10698
Fax: 053 (7) 555927 E-mail: digital@trabajadores.cu