Category Archives: Ingles

National Assembly to focus on economy

National Assembly to focus on economy

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The economy’s 2015 performance and projections for the coming year, including the proposed state budget, will be the focus of analysis during the National Assembly of People’s Power upcoming Sixth Period of Ordinary Sessions Continuar leyendo

Raul Castro: Unacceptable levels of poverty and social inequality persist and even aggravate across the world

Raul Castro: Unacceptable levels of poverty and social inequality persist and even aggravate across the world

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Remarks by Raúl Castro Ruz, President of the Councils of State and Ministers of the Republic of Cuba, in his address to the United Nations Summit for the Adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, New York, September 26, 2015 Esteemed heads of State and Government, Distinguished heads of delegations, Mister Secretary General of the United… Continuar leyendo

Peace in Colombia not Only Possible But Essential

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Speech by First Secretary of the Central Committee of Cuban Communist Party and President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz in the act for the signing of Agreements on Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia in Cubanacán Protocol Hall, on September 23, 2015, “Year 57 of the Revolution”. Continuar leyendo

Address by Pope Francis on his arrival in Cuba

Address by Pope Francis on his arrival in Cuba

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I place these days under the protection of our Lady of Charity of El Cobre, Blessed Olallo Valdés and Blessed José López Pietreira, and Venerable FélixVarela, the great promoter of love between Cubans and all peoples, so that our bonds of peace, solidarity and mutual respect may ever increase. Continuar leyendo

Welcome Speech by President Raúl Castro to Pope Francis

Welcome Speech by President Raúl Castro to Pope Francis

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Your Holiness, The people and Government of Cuba welcome you with profound affection, respect and hospitality. We feel particularly honored with your visit. You will see how deeply we love our Homeland, for which we are capable of the greatest sacrifices. We have always followed in the steps of the heroes of Our America, who… Continuar leyendo

The Visit of President Calvin Coolidge to Cuba

The Visit of President Calvin Coolidge to Cuba

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In 1928, the president of the United States of America (US) in power visited Cuba and it has been the only time, which could be a curiosity, but it also leads us to analyze such special occasion that made that head of State come to this island, when the VI Pan-American Conference was held in Havana, Cuba Continuar leyendo

© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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