Barbados crime victims honored in Cuba

Barbados crime victims honored in Cuba

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Cuba pays tribute this Sunday to the 73 victims of the terrorist attack committed 43 years ago against a Cubana de Aviacion aircraft off the coast of Barbados, the perpetrators of which were never prosecuted for the crime.

In tribute to those who died in the terrorist action on October 6, 1976, authorities and a representative of the Cuban people will march this Sunday on pilgrimage to the capital, Necropolis of Colon, as is customary on the island on the anniversary of the tragedy.

In social networks, Internet users of the Caribbean nation recently reiterated their denouncements about the complicity of the U.S. government and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with the perpetrators of the attack.

With the tags #TenemosMemoria, #6DeOctubre, #Cuba and #ProhibidoOlvidar, among others, Twitter users stated that the families of the 73 deceased still demand justice: 57 Cubans, 11 Guyanese and five Koreans.

The Barbados crime, as the in-flight destruction with bombs installed inside the CU-455 aircraft is known, is so far considered the worst attack of its kind in the Western Hemisphere and one of the most brutal acts of terrorism carried out against the Cuban Revolution by people in the service of the CIA.

According to investigations, it was orchestrated in Venezuela by Cuban-born terrorists Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, who used Venezuelans Hernán Ricardo and Freddy Lugo to place the bombs inside the plane.

Ricardo and Lugo were sentenced to 20 years in prison, while Bosch was briefly acquitted on technical grounds and Posada Carriles was in prison for eight years but managed to escape with the support of prison guards.

Subsequently, Posada Carriles and Bosch found refuge in the North American city of Miami, where, moreover, they continued until their death planning violent and destabilizing actions against the largest of the Antilles.

In Cuba, October 6 was officially established as the Day of the Victims of State Terrorism. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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