Third Foreign Investment Forum to be Held in Cuba

Third Foreign Investment Forum to be Held in Cuba

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Cuba called today the entrepreneurship to participate in the 3rd Foreign Investment Forum, which will meet on October 30 and 31, during the 36th edition of the International Fair of Havana (Fihav 2018).
This meeting will take place in the Expocuba theater and executive hall, the country’s largest exposition site of the country and the traditional headquarters of this, the main Cuban general commercial exchange and one of the most important in the region.

deborah rivas saavedra directora general de inverciones extranjeras en la convocatoria al III foro de inversion extranjera fihav 2018 en el palacio de convenciones de la habana

Deborah Rivas, Director of Foreign Investment at Mincex, explained at the Havana Convention Center that the new Portfolio of Business Opportunities 2018-19 will be presented at this third forum.

She specified this kind of event is aimed at foreign entrepreneurs who wish to be part of the investment projects identified in such portfolio.

Registrations for the forum will be open until October 26 at Fihav’s official website (, or at the event’s own website (, where entrepreneurs can arrange their appointments free of charge.

These online platforms provide information such as the advantages of investing in Cuba, the legal framework for this activity and the policy for the participation of foreign capital, among other data.

The event includes a presentation of the Mariel Special Development Zone (ZEDM), an exchange of experiences in attracting foreign investment by Vietnamese entrepreneurs, bilateral meetings and the launch of the portfolio of opportunities.

Rivas stressed the importance of the forum to realize investment projects and said the registration of foreign companies in these meetings has been growing.

She indicated that the amount of bilateral meetings in the 2nd event grew to 295, in sectors such as construction, renewable energy, oil, tourism, agriculture and forestry and other strategic sectors.

Wendy Miranda, ZEDM’s director of coordination and procedures, said that there are 37 businesses approved in this area for a committed amount of 1.25 billion dollars, 36 of them are of users, and the first concessionaire, which is a Vietnamese company. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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