Raul Castro presides over May Day march in Havana

Raul Castro presides over May Day march in Havana

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Cuban President Raul Castro presided over the huge May Day march at the Havana´s Revolution Square, along Communist Party Politburo members.

Raul Castro was also accompanied by leaders of grassroots organizations, and some 1,690 representatives from 349 workers unions from 89 countries, and solidarity with Cuba groups.

The main speech of May Day was delivered by Ulises Gilarte, Secretary-General of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC by its Spanish acronym) where he lashed the right-wing offensive against progressive movements in Latin America and especially in Venezuela.

The parade was opened by young students of several pedagogical schools and the universities, since this march pays homage to the 55th anniversary of the Cuban Young Communist League.

People started gathering around the Jose Marti Revolution Square from 2 AM, and under the motto ¨Our strength is the unity¨, they began the march at 7.30 in the morning after the opening speech. (Taken from Cuban News Agency)


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