Garbanzo Beans: Antidepressant

Garbanzo Beans: Antidepressant

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Garbanzo beans or chickpeas besides they free the body from cholesterol, produce serotonin, the hormone of happiness, like antidepressants.

In the Middle East, the consumption of garbanzos as soup, gives a good sensation and even of happiness of those who eat them according to studies carried out by Israeli researchers.

Archeologist Abi Gofer, who participated in the investigation together with three more scientists, informed that the cause of that sensation is inside an amino acid known as tryptophan which produces serotonin in a great extent, a benefactor substance.

He said that a dish of garbanzos soup far satisfies appetite and helps sleep. In the case of women, “it contributes to ovulation and with greater possibilities to get pregnant.”

Properties of Ginger

Ginger is almost known worldwide and cultivated in any kind of fields and weathers. It is a perennial plant that can easily reach 2 meters tall.

The root is used with medical and culinary purposes. It is somehow hot and similar to lemon. It contains minerals like phosphorus, magnesia, chrome, zinc and cobalt, essential oils and different acids.

Its results are well tested in natural treatments for diarrhea, vomits, ulcers, heart diseases, flu, cold, arthritis, sinusitis and to fight bad breath. It can also be useful as anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac and as pain relief for toothache.

While preparing an infusion you should take a tea spoon of dried root of this plant for each cup of tea of water. You mix hot water, honey and lemon. You can drink two cups of this tea a day. It is good for flu and fever relief. You can use it in salads and juices.

For the treatment of arthritis you boil this root (a handful for each liter of water) for external use. You apply it hot in the aching joints for 20 minutes. You repeat this procedure every six hours.


Un comentario en Garbanzo Beans: Antidepressant

  1. Porque ultimamente hay noticias que se escriben en inglés y que son tan importantes como las de español, ésta del garbanzo es bueno que todo el que no sepa ingles lo conozca y creo que ese debe ser el objetivo del periodico, pues no creo que TRABAJADORES se me convierta en un periodico norteamericano.

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