Category Archives: Ingles

Our commitment to Cuba

Our commitment to Cuba

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The Cuban Workers Federation and national trade unions convoke our people to a massive mobilization to celebrate May Day, under the maxim of «Unity, Commitment, and Victory.» Continuar leyendo

Fidel in the hearts of all

Fidel in the hearts of all

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More than a million visitors have come to stand before the polished boulder bearing Fidel’s name, a point of arrival and departure for many, experiencing a solemn moment that generates the awareness that here lies a father and a friend, the paradigm of the man who dreamed of a better world for all Continuar leyendo

The Party Central Committee, meeting in its Fifth Plenum, analyzed important issues related to the updating of Cuba’s socio-economic model

The Party Central Committee, meeting in its Fifth Plenum, analyzed important issues related to the updating of Cuba’s socio-economic model

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Presided by its First Secretary, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, the Plenum evaluated policies implemented as part of the updating of Cuba’s economic and social model; details related to the national housing project were presented; and information provided on studies underway regarding Constitutional reform Continuar leyendo

© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
Territorial y General Suárez. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana, Cuba. CP: 10698
Fax: 053 (7) 555927 E-mail: