Villa Clara Inspired by CTC’s 86th Anniversary

Villa Clara Inspired by CTC’s 86th Anniversary

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The 86th anniversary of the founding of the CTC is the main motivation of the trade union movement at the beginning of the 67th Year of the Revolution, according to the Villa Clara Provincial Secretariat of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba.

The ephemeris of January 28, 1839 will be an inspiration to continue the organic process in view of the 22nd Congress of the CTC, an event that has also been a source of inspiration for the efforts of workers in all sectors of production and services.

Special attention is given to the beginning of the sugar production, as soon as the necessary resources are available to carry out the milling, although in the agricultural field, as in the previous harvest, the territory provides the raw material for the neighboring territory of Cienfuegos.

Maglin del Sol Martínez, general secretary of the CTC in Villa Clara, spoke of the importance of guaranteeing the functioning of the trade union organizations in order to lead the efforts of the collectives, which this year, more than ever, are forced to withstand the blows of the blockade on the Cuban economy.

She pointed out that in this 2025 the contribution of the province to the growth of the Gross Domestic Product will be very discreet, but the CTC and the unions have the duty and the right to participate in the consolidation of the measures to resist and develop the country.

She also said that from the trade union movement, the workers of Villa Clara will work this year in the government’s projections to correct distortions and revive the economy, which must be done according to the specific conditions of each workplace.

Although the attention of the workers’ organizations should be general, she considered it essential to deal with 16 entities that are making losses, as well as others with excessive profits, and for this purpose it is important to provide training for union leaders and correct advice on economic matters.

As of the anniversary, priority will be given to those tasks that guarantee income, increase local production, and with regard to the recovery of the electrical system, the union work will focus on the groups that carry out the photovoltaic solar panels.

Regardless of the limitations of transportation and fuel, Maglin del Sol believed that the cadres could not abandon the link with the member organizations and accompany them in representing the interests of the collectives.

Acerca del autor

Licenciado en Periodismo y licenciado en Ciencias Sociales, autor de El Foro en Cubahora, jubilado y reincorporado en la Redacción Digital de Trabajadores, donde escribe las secciones LA GUAGUA y EN 500 CARACTERES, fue corresponsal del periódico Vanguardia en tres de las seis regiones de Las Villas, Jefe de Redacción fundador del periódico Escambray, Corresponsal Jefe de la Agencia de Información Nacional (actual ACN) en Sancti Spiritus, colaborador de Radio Progreso, Prensa Latina y Radio Sancti Spíritus; así como Jefe de Información, Subdirector y Director del periódico Vanguardia, donde administró sus foros de discusión.


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Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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