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Industrial Union Elects Delegates to 22nd CTC Congress

Elena Emilia Chagues Leyva and Luis Cruz Ortiz were elected delegates to the 22nd Congress of the CTC by the Industrial Workers’ Union (SNTI) of Las Tunas, and will be among the 33 members of this organization in the great event of the Cuban working class that will take place in Havana in April next year.

Luis Cruz Ortiz accepts the award. Photo: Ángel Chimeno Pérez

Chagues Leyva is currently the head of the Propaganda Department of the national CTC, but her links with the sector go back to 1990, when she headed the union bureau of the Celia Sanchez Manduley textile company in Santiago de Cuba; she was also the general secretary of the union’s provincial bureau in Las Tunas. In her long and fruitful career as a member of the labor movement, she has held various positions both in the CTC and in this union.

Meanwhile, Luis Cruz Ortiz is the secretary general of the union bureau of the Calixto Sarduy Grassroots Business Unit (UEB), known in the Cuban business world as Ludema Furniture. He has five years of experience as a union leader and is also a member of the National Council of the Cuban Workers’ Central. He has been elected to the National Vanguard for 15 consecutive years and holds the third degree medals of Jesús Menéndez and Lázaro Peña. He participated in the three national conferences of his union and in the 20th and 21st Congresses of the CTC.

The two elected candidates were chosen by the 30 pre-candidates elected in the organic process developed in the union’s sections, and any of them could have been elected because of their accumulated merits, emphasized Yaquelín Baños Torres, General Secretary of the SNTI.

Baños Torres expressed his confidence that the 33 delegates who will attend the 22nd Congress of this union will be worthy representatives of the more than four thousand members that it unites, their concerns, their expectations, and their daily demonstrations of commitment in the search for alternatives to the economic and financial limitations that the nation is experiencing.

The Workers’ Leader recalled that during this month and February the process of presenting the plan and budget for the coming year to the workers will be carried out, and he called for a pleasant and deep process to achieve, with the participation and collective experience, to provide solutions to all the potentialities of the work collectives.

Luis Cruz Ortiz accepts the award. Photo: Ángel Chimeno Pérez

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