ANIR: Creativity, Integration and Proactivity

ANIR: Creativity, Integration and Proactivity

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The members of the National Association of Innovators and Rationalizers (ANIR) put their hands, intelligence and hearts into the recovery of the economy and the actions to restore normality in the areas affected by the meteorological phenomena.

«To innovate is to grow,» Lidier emphasized, referring to the theme of the III ANIR National Conference. Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo

Its contribution exceeds 1.2 billion pesos this year. For Lidier Águila Machado, president of the organization in the country, «this figure represents the result of the calculation of the economic effect which is a financial expression of savings or profits, so I value more, among the contributions of the Aniristas, the multiple solutions to boost production, services, teaching, research, defense and social tasks».

-However, in certain entities they are aware of so much effort and dividends, but they do not encourage the protagonists.

«The fact that in some workplaces the authors of innovations are not remunerated according to the established legal norm is precisely a concern that requires a different view, even in companies with economic losses, not to criticize, but with the aim of persuading that it is possible to stimulate those who have contributed with their ingenuity to reduce the effects of such financial situation».

-In addition to moral and material stimulation, in what other aspects will far-reaching changes and strategies be proposed during and after the current process of the III ANIR National Conference?

«Together with the identification and subsequent recognition of the best talents between 2020 and 2024, which is done through our structures at the worksites, we intend to increase the participation of the innovators at the planning of the budget for science, technology and innovation.

«It is also important to contribute to the efficiency of the units, the generalization of inventions, the use of the fund as a source of financing for innovation projects and the operation of the collective agreement.

– How can the conference be successful in an extensive process leading up to its final sessions in October 2025?

«We are now in the first stage, which has as its main activities the assets and meetings in the union sections, the study of the rules of the organization and the elections of the pre-candidates for delegates to the conferences.

«The analysis will focus on the contributions in terms of integration, planning, generalization of results and stimulation, through an internal debate to evaluate the functioning of our association in a critical, transparent and proactive manner».

That to innovate is to grow refers to the slogan of the great meeting of Cuban innovators, but its resounding success will depend on an effective linkage and support to ANIR by union leaders at all levels, employers and decision-makers.

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Licenciado en Comunicación Social. Economista y periodista. Escribe sobre asuntos económicos, agropecuarios, de la construcción y la cultura. Multipremiado en concursos de periodismo, festivales de la radio y otros eventos. Atesora las distinciones Félix Elmuza y Raúl Gomez García, los sellos Laureado y 50 aniversario del periódico Trabajadores, y la Moneda Conmemorativa 60 aniversario de la UPEC.


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