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Students and workers from Villa Clara honor Che

Students, workers and residents of the province honored Ernesto Che Guevara during a tour of work, education and service centers in Villa Clara.


Beginning with a ceremony held two months ago at the Panchito Gómez Toro enterprise, the first sugar mill to meet its production plan in the province and country, a varied program of activities has been held across municipalities and neighborhoods, with residents demonstrating their admiration and respect for Comandante Guevara.


There are many reasons to recall that this year marks 50 years since Che’s death in Bolivia and 20 since his remains were found and sent to the city, which honors the heroic guerilla, together with those of his comrades in arms.


A replica of Che’s beret, encased in a glass urn, was presented in historic sites which recall the Argentine-Cuban doctor’s participation during the struggle to free this central region of the island, and his tours of facilities during his time as Minister of Industry.


Among the most significant places on the route was the Marta Abreu de Las Villas Central University, where the Rebel Army established its first command headquarters and field hospital, prior to the battle of Santa Clara; an institution that awarded Che the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Pedagogy.


Other emblematic facilities inaugurated by Che include the Fabric Aguilar Noriega Mechanical Plant, and the Domestic Utensils Manufacturing Industry (Inpud), where his strong work ethic, commitment, innovating spirit and struggle for quality still constitute examples for workers.


The Heroic Guerilla was also honored at outstanding workplaces, service centers, schools, and people’s councils; where workers, students and residents received the replica beret and reaffirmed their commitment to improving results. (Taken from en.granma.cu)

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