Cuban Legislators Visit European Parliament

Cuban Legislators Visit European Parliament

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A Cuban delegation led by Vice President of the National Assembly of People»s Power the vice-president of the National Assembly of the People»s Power, Ana Maria Mari Machado, visited the headquarters of the European Parliament (EP) in Havana, as part of a stay in Belgium which continues today.

The Caribbean delegation was received by EP Vice President, Dimitrius Papadimoulis, as well as other officials and directors from several parliamentary organizations.

During the meeting, Mari Machado stated to the two sides on the legislative work conducted by Cuba, as part of the updating of the economic and social model in which the country is embroiled.

He also mentioned the actions carried out to improve the democratic system at all levels and exchanged on the possibilities of cooperation between the two parliaments.

In this sense, a diplomatic statement said ‘the visit to Brussels of the Cuban legislators is part of the process of construction of better relations between Cuba and the European Union on the basis of equality, reciprocity and respect.’

Machado and the accompanying legislators (Yolanda Ferrer and Lazaro Barredo) referred to the economic, commercial and financial blockade the United States has maintained on Cuba, despite the overwhelming international rejection.

About this issue, they stressed that the restrictive measures continue affecting the Cuban people and the full development of the country’s economic relations with the world, including European individuals and legal entities which have become the target of the application of unilateral coercive measures.

During the meeting, the two sides reaffirmed their willingness to continue strengthening ties between the two legislative bodies, and expressed the willingness to strengthen the ties between Havana and the community bloc.

Mari Machado reiterated the recognition to the important role played by Louis Michel in promoting bilateral relations between Cuba and the European Union. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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