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Large Number of Members to Take Part in Cuban Party Congress

7mo-congreso-pccA large number of representatives of the economic and social sectors countrywide will participate in the 7th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC), which will be held in Havana on April 16-19.

A significant number of PCC leaders at national, provincial and municipal levels, as well as grassroots organizations, will be among 1,000 delegates that will take part, whose age averages 48 years.

The delegates also include rural workers, technicians, State and company executives, researchers, economists, teachers, health workers, members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Interior Ministry and representatives of the non-State sector of the economy, among others. According to the newspaper Granma, the PCC official journal, the central report will be presented during the opening session and the delegates will be working in four commissions that day in the afternoon and on April 17.

The 1,000 delegates and around 280 guests to the congress include representatives of thousands of Cubans that are rendering services in other countries as a gesture of solidarity and a significant number of women. (Taken from Prensa Latina News Agency)

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