Union’s Recognition to the Young Workers

Union’s Recognition to the Young Workers

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Foto: Tomada de Cubahora.cu
Photo: Tomada de Cubahora.cu

The Cuban youth working in the factories, workshops, schools, scientific investigation centers and services will receive the recognition of the Cuban Workers Federation during 2015.

During the closing of the 9th Congress of the Young Communist Youth (UJC), held on April 2010, Army General Raul Castro Ruz said: “the Cuban youth has been always ready to face the challenges.”

Just on July 2015, the political vanguard of the Cuban youth will celebrate its 10th Congress. So this is a special opportunity to recognize those who are today a valuable part of the active economic population of Cuba and carry out tasks as workers in production, technicians, specialists in engineering activities, architecture, teaching or research, as well as those in administrative posts as leaders in policy or the unions.

In the labor staffs, our youth are the ones having the most worries and they have also demonstrated their commitment with their responsibilities, said Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, secretary general of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC), who added that the union movement takes responsibility the organic process for the great event of the youth.

Something that has very close relation to the young workers is the project to reach a bit more than the 4 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP).

Creator will and energy mark those young men and women. Those qualities turn into the reason that will contribute to a better exploitation of the reserves of productive efficiency, above all on those key branches like the manufacture industry, chemistry, sugar, energy, agriculture and the housing building program.

In the economic battle and in the activities that the Federation will devote to the working youth, it is worth remembering the call of President Raul Castro in the 20th congress of the CTC to promote assistance to the young people that begin their labor life.

Acerca del autor

Graduado de Licenciatura en Periodismo, en 1976, en la Universidad de La Habana. Hizo el servicio social en el periódico Victoria, del municipio especial isla de la Juventud, durante dos años.
Desde 1978 labora en el periódico Trabajadores como reportero y atiende, desde 1981 temas relacionados con la industria sideromecánica. Obtuvo premio en el concurso Primero de Mayo en 1999 y en la edición de 2009. Es coautor del libro Madera de Héroes.


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