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New Activities for the Cuban Five in September

Taken from Cubadebate

A new activity in support to the cause of the Cuban Five antiterrorist fighters held in the United States (U.S.) will be held in Washington D.C., next September 12 for the 16 years of imprisonment, declared the organizers of the event.

“It is necessary to keep on fighting in front of such injustice in the epicenter of power,” said the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban five in a press release where they highlighted the success of the III Activity held from June 4 to 11 in Washington D.C.

That is why “we will return to Washington to continue demanding Obama’s administration for a solution to the case of the Cuban Five,” the report said.

Solidarity arguments of this organization reminded that Rene Gonzalez and Fernando Gonzalez left prison after serving their sentences and there is still the “unjust incarceration of Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labanino and Antonio Guerrero,” the other three members of the Cuban Five, as they are worldwide known.

The program foresees from Sep. 11 to 13 visits to the Capitol, a stay to demand justice in front of the White House and a public forum with either experts from the case or the relations between the US-Cuba.

The initiative is part of the actions to continue with the III Activity for the Cuban Five, which was spread to more than 40 countries and met representatives from 31 nations in Washington D.C., among them parliamentarians, lawyers, writers, religious and union leaders, and followers in general of this cause.


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