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May Day: Cuban Squares will Shake

PRIMERO-DE-MAYOElizabeth Perez and Telleria Alfaro

“May Day has an extraordinary importance for the Cuban people. It is the greatest parade is held every year,” Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, secretary general of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC), also member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

“This parade will also celebrate the 75th anniversary of the CTC that has demonstrated its fighting spirit and mobilization. We had also held the 20th Congress of the workers’ union in a process of transformation and updating of the Cuban economic model, devoted to the efficiency we need.”

“We will participate in the parade to ratify that commitment of struggle for the return of our three Heroes, unjustly held in the United States (U.S.) for fighting terrorism. We will also demand the lifting of the economic and finance blockade of the US government against Cuba.”

Guilarte stressed this parade will be the expression of our people, our workers, to support the Cuban Revolution.

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