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A Simple Student

Foto: Tomada de Cubadebate.
Photo: Tomada de Cubadebate.

I neither look in his face the marks of time, nor the outrage of the jail, nor the evidence of incomplete happiness, nor the hero’s feature of soap opera; but the serious young man he is; approachable, with deep thoughts. The man that knits his brows while talking, describing every time the real Fernando Gonzalez Llort.

The loving and deeply sensitive man introduced by his Rosa Aurora, he opened in that incomparable huge to Rene Gonzalez, – one of the Cuban Five who was also freed and returned to Cuba in 2013- reached Gerardo, Tony and Ramon too-the rest of the Cuban Five that are still held in the United States (U.S.) – and also made the Cuban people waiting for his return home shudder. It was more than a huge to a brother.

Fernan, as he is called returned home after fully serving his unfair sentence. He felt as a prisoner until the plane landed in Cuba, because he travelled handcuffed.

He told us with that strong and clear voice that sometimes hesitates by emotion or because he is does not like to talk to an audience; but he did not complain.

He felt freedom in his Homeland and together with it the love of his mother, wife, and sisters who were waiting for him.

The tears of his mother Magaly Llort sealed another period in the epic battle for the return of Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labanino and Antonio Guerrero, the three that are still held in the U.S., serving the hard and unfair sentences.

Fernan returned, but his inspiration is still together his brothers as Ramon said: “We decided to unite in a lucky day and never allow be defeated… With him, we also return somehow. With him, as well as with Rene is our essence, our energy, our way of fighting and winning.”

I did not have the opportunity to welcome him at the airport. I will keep Fernan’s image of that simple student who took off his school uniform as well as the one wearing in jail and went out to smell the loving breeze, just wearing his jeans and blue shirt.

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