Category Archives: Ingles

Truth like a Flag

Truth like a Flag

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

The 9th Meeting of Cuban Residents in Europe ratified the claim for the freedom of the Cuban Five antiterrorist fighters held in the United States (U.S.) and the lifting of the blockade against Cuba Continuar leyendo

Healthy Weight

Healthy Weight

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

The excess of lack of the corporal weight can make people get no transmissible illnesses. A healthy diet and practicing exercises are the keys to have the ideal weight Continuar leyendo



1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

The authorities from the Mexican state of Veracruz and the organizing committee of the 22nd Central American and the Caribbean Games (Cover) insists on the celebration of the best regional sports event of the history from November 14 to 30 Continuar leyendo

Awards and Homages

Awards and Homages

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

About 500 poems from 170 creators from Cuba participated in the National Contest of Poetry Regino Pedroso what classifies the event as the one with the greatest popular participation Continuar leyendo

© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
Territorial y General Suárez. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana, Cuba. CP: 10698
Fax: 053 (7) 555927 E-mail: