Cuban Computer Experts Contribute to Economic and Social Development

Cuban Computer Experts Contribute to Economic and Social Development

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The president of the Cuban Information Technology Union (UIC), Ailyn Febles, said today that the main challenge of this civil society organization is to contribute to the economic and social development of the country.


‘It is an indispensable sector for sustainable development and has a leading role in each of the professional branches of technology to advance,’ Febles told Prensa Latina.

She pointed out that currently more than eight thousand members are part of the organization, and one of the actions of the UIC is the development of thematic events in different areas of knowledge.

‘The first step is to unite and that is what the UIC intends. The second step is to insert ourselves in economic and social projects and to contribute to the development of skills, and the technological literacy of the nation,’ she emphasized.

She stated that previously they addressed issues of education and sovereignty and security in the provinces of Camagüey (east) and Cienfuegos (center/south), respectively, and will soon discuss technologies in agriculture and automatics.

She said that next October an international event on cybersociety will take place in the Cuban resort Varadero, with the presence of delegates from Uruguay, Canada, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Spain, among other countries. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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