Innovations and Rationalizations Revitalize in Cuba

Innovations and Rationalizations Revitalize in Cuba

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Amparo Chongo Gonzalez, president of the provincial bureau of the Association for innovations and rationalizations in Cenguegos
Amparo Chongo Gonzalez, president of the provincial bureau of the Association for innovations and rationalizations in Cenguegos

Amparo Chongo Gonzalez, president of the provincial bureau of the Association for innovations and rationalizations in Cenguegos highlighted the actions carried out to revitalize the job of the innovations and rationalizations.

She said they are analyzing with directions of 24 entities of the territory why they are not applying Law 38 which regulates the payment of the members of this organization for the solutions they contribute, with the purpose to activate it as soon as possible the corresponding bank accounts and implement what is legislated in this case.

She said that as positive examples in this sense are the answers given to the Industrial Fishing Enterprise from Cienfuegos (Epicien), the Agriculture and Livestock from Rodas municipality and that from the Hydraulic Exploitation, as well as by the provincial direction of Education.

“The purpose is that all of them apply it before the end of the year,” he said.

She explained that in ANIR’s job in Cienfuegos they give priority to the 75 main enterprises of that province, above all those with special influence in the Cuban economy.

She added there are 8, 414 members associated to 478 committees working in the entities. Last year there were reported 553 solutions, with an economic contribution that exceeded the 5 million Cuban pesos.

About the participation in the ANIR First National Conference, which will be held on October 7 and 8 in Havana, she said that there will be 14 delegates in the delegation plus two guests from Cienfuegos.

Among the most important topics debated in the previous process of this event she mentioned the no application of Law 38 in all of the enterprises and labor places with contributions and solutions to technological problems, the deficient planning of the tasks to carry out and the almost null generalization of the innovations and rationalizations.

Acerca del autor

Graduado de Profesor de Educación General en el Instituto Superior Pedagógico Félix Varela, de Villa Clara, Cuba (1979). Ha laborado en la Revista Juventud Técnica, semanario En Guardia, órgano del Ejército Central, periódicos Escambray, CINCO de Septiembre y Granma. Desde el año 2007 es corresponsal de Trabajadores en la provincia de Cienfuegos. Está especializado en temas económicos y agropecuarios. En 1999 acompañó en funciones periodísticas a la segunda Brigada Médica Cubana que llegó a Honduras después del paso del huracán Mitch. Publicó el libro Verdades sin puerto (Editorial cubana MECENAS). Ha estado en otras tres ocasiones en esa nación centroamericana, en funciones periodísticas, impartiendo conferencias a estudiantes universitarios, asesorando medios de comunicación e impartiendo cursos-talleres sobre actualización periodística a periodistas y comunicadores. Multipremiado en premios y concursos internacionales, nacionales y provinciales de Periodismo. Fue merecedor del Premio Provincial Periodístico Manuel Hurtado del Valle (Cienfuegos) por la Obra de la Vida – 2012. Le fue conferido el Sello de Laureado, otorgado por el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Cultura (SNTC). Mantiene evaluación profesional de Excepcional.


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