Take Care of your Body to Protect your Health

Take Care of your Body to Protect your Health

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

Men and women accumulate fat differently. Women do it around the hips, gluteus and thighs, while men do it in their bellies and this is the most dangerous.

The fat stored in the belly is the one that marks the risk, declared to the press Dr. Arthur Agatston, director of welfare and prevention from the Baptist Health in South Florida and added that when the fat is in the belly, the risk of high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes and inflammation increases.

If fat augments in this area, the tissues easily stress and develop an inflammation answer, the doctor said. If it happens for a short time, everything disappears and it goes back to normal.

In case it is kept in the belly –the waist-, this inflammation could turn chronic and harm the tissue, besides producing hormones and chemicals called cytosine, which the body might resist against insulin.

According to the source, abdominal fat is associated to low levels of testosterone. Men with big bellies do not have the same muscle mass frequently, as well as the levels of energy and libido compared to those in good shape.

The best way to know if you are in risk is using a tape measure and standing, measure your waist all around. Those with a waist bigger than 40 inches should consider a change in the diet and do some exercises.

Some physicians recommend walking in a moderate way for 30 minutes, which could reduce the risk of a heart attack in two or three times less. The best thing is to have a healthy way of life: eat well and practice exercises.


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