Cuban Art in Venezuela

Cuban Art in Venezuela

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Cuban Duet Así Son is in Venezuela since May 30.  They have performed the Cuban traditional music in parish churches and events, but especially for the Cuban collaborators serving in that nation.

Among their most outstanding performances are the artistic galas to commemorate July 26, August 13 (Fidel’s birthday) and August 23 (anniversary of the Cuban Women Federation) and also the VII Latin American Meeting in Solidarity with Cuba.

Last September 10, its members­­—Noemí Rodriguez Stable and Juan Froilan Alvarez Garcia— started a tour in six eastern states from Venezuela, together with the comic group Komotú, from Guantanamo with the performance of Miguel Moreno, well known as La LLave, thanks to a proposal of the Cuban Health Mission.

“Our goal is to perform where the Cuban collaborators are. We have a show with Cuban music and humor with a good balance and variety,” said the members of the artistic group to Trabajadores website.

“We should thank for the organization of these activities, especially the one carried out by the health mission that helped in the transportation by road and on boats, the accommodations, the food and other services offered to all of the artists”, they said.

“We started in Bolivar state where we stayed 12 days and performed in Integral Diagnosis Centers (CDI), communities, Cultural Houses, high schools and theaters. We could perform for the majority of the collaborators, because we prepared a logistic plan to concentrate the majority of them in each place.”

“We continued in the Delta Amacuro, which has the mouth of Orinoco River and many indigenous communities. We then went to Monagas, Sucre, Nueva Esparta and Anzoategui.

It has been very grateful to get to those places where our compatriots are offering love and putting the name of Cuba in the highest position, some of them in very difficult conditions. It has been a great opportunity to feel useful and give love to those who do it for this people,” they finally expressed.

Acerca del autor

Graduado de Profesor de Educación General en el Instituto Superior Pedagógico Félix Varela, de Villa Clara, Cuba (1979). Ha laborado en la Revista Juventud Técnica, semanario En Guardia, órgano del Ejército Central, periódicos Escambray, CINCO de Septiembre y Granma. Desde el año 2007 es corresponsal de Trabajadores en la provincia de Cienfuegos. Está especializado en temas económicos y agropecuarios. En 1999 acompañó en funciones periodísticas a la segunda Brigada Médica Cubana que llegó a Honduras después del paso del huracán Mitch. Publicó el libro Verdades sin puerto (Editorial cubana MECENAS). Ha estado en otras tres ocasiones en esa nación centroamericana, en funciones periodísticas, impartiendo conferencias a estudiantes universitarios, asesorando medios de comunicación e impartiendo cursos-talleres sobre actualización periodística a periodistas y comunicadores. Multipremiado en premios y concursos internacionales, nacionales y provinciales de Periodismo. Fue merecedor del Premio Provincial Periodístico Manuel Hurtado del Valle (Cienfuegos) por la Obra de la Vida – 2012. Le fue conferido el Sello de Laureado, otorgado por el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Cultura (SNTC). Mantiene evaluación profesional de Excepcional.


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Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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